Thank you for joining our volunteer list!
We will reach out the next time there is a volunteer opportunity at Kingdom Trails.
Reward Volunteers is a free volunteer management system that enables you to easily track the time you spend volunteering at non-profit organizations in your community. But there's more! When you log your time using our web-based program, you have the chance to earn rewards in cash or prizes for your contributions – and the organizations you serve have the opportunity to win rewards as well! You may also volunteer for a school, co-op, or government run volunteer organization, but only certain organizations are eligible to win.
Reward Volunteers enables you to:
Volunteers must log their time within 7 days of volunteering.
Reward Volunteers was created by Cabot Creamery to celebrate all of those who make communities stronger - like you. We look forward to seeing all of your much-needed contributions, and the impact being made across the country.
Creating An Account
To begin logging your volunteer hours, you'll first need to create an account. To complete your registration, you will need to create a login user name and password and to provide some personal and location information.
Logging Your Volunteer Hours
Once you have successfully created an account, log in and follow the steps below to enter your hours.
Choose the "Log Your Time" button. To find your organization, start typing your organization's name in the box under "search for an organization". Select your organization from the dropdown list. If your organization doesn't appear in the dropdown menu, click on the red link that states "If your organization isn't listed, click here" to create a new organization.
Once you have selected (or created) your organization, choose "today" or one of the previous dates listed (dates go back one week) and enter the amount of time you spent volunteering. If your employer or organization supports your volunteer efforts, choose their name from the dropdown list. If their name isn't listed, select "other" and enter their name in the space provided. Volunteers must log their time within 7 days of volunteering.
When finished entering all of your information, choose "report".How's that for straight-forward and convenient? Just be sure to log your hours at least once a week, since the system will only allow you to enter hours for the current day and six days prior.