Trail Updates

July 9, 2021

June 2021

With summer in full swing and the full trail crew finally on board, this month's progress includes the opening of 2 new trails!

June trail projects completed:
  • Corridor maintenance cutting back tall grass and raspberry bushes throughout the system.
  • The exit of Kitchel has been slightly adjusted to help ease congestion on Garden Drive during construction.
  • Drone Lidar Mapping of the conserved property on Darling Ridge with Whiteout Solutions 
    • To gather parcel and trail data such as; high res orthomosaic geo tiff, contour lines, trail slope and grade, classifications on vegetation/trails, signs, water, etc. Trail center lines, erosion issues/degradation, potholes that hold water, ADA trail compliance identification, an attempt to gather information for a better trail rating system.
  • Two new trails opened
    • Ozias
      •  Ozias, which was the name of one of the original settlers on Darling Hill and was also the name of an old trail no longer in use near where Harp is now. This trail will serve as a great connector to the sector of trails in the Harp/Poundcake/Fenceline area that you had to otherwise access via East Darling/Darling Hill Road. Folks can now leave the village, ride Uptown to White School, up Ware's Davis to Ozias, cross Darling Hill Road and down onto Upper Harp Loop. This alleviates the need to be on the road and helps keep people on trails! So cool!
      • This trail meanders through a mix of hard and softwood forest and climbs its way up 4 switchbacks to the top of the ridge and will be a bi-directional trail to serve as a much needed new connector trail. Thank you to landowner's Polly Stadt & Michael Loynd, Paul Trojano, Peter Trojano, Michael Anderson, and Phil & Elise Lawson for allowing this trail constructed by the KT Trail Crew and volunteers, to cross their properties.
      • Rating: blue square
      • Length: .9
    • Another Round
      • Another Round bisects Last Call in the section of trails above the Tiki Bar parking area. This new addition, gives riders the option to ride that pocket of trails in multiple directions. Twisty, with an old school feel, riders with a keen eye may catch a glimpse of the Burklyn Mansion and Inn at Mtn. View Farm. Two short bridges built with milled hemlock timbers pulled from on site bring the trail some cool character. Thank you to Doug & Disa Clarner for allowing this trail on their property 
      • The Clarner's young son is interested in trail building so CJ worked with them on laying out the trail and showing them the basics of what tools to use and how to use them. They did a majority of the corridor clearing on their own time. Along with the Clarners, students from BMA provided volunteer trail work to install a considerable amount of new trail on this project. It’s been a nice collaboration with a landowner and students from BMA.
      • Rating: Blue Square
      • Length: .62 miles
Road Work on East Darling Hill Rd. will lightly effect the trails but no access loss.

The next Volunteer Work Day is scheduled for Saturday, July 31 and is sponsored by Lawson's Finest Liquids!
Vermont State Treasurer, Mike Pieciak, speaks at the 2025 Outdoor Recreation Day at the Statehouse
By Abby Long February 13, 2025
KT is taking action—on the trails and in the Statehouse! This 2025 Legislative Session, KT is teaming up with other amazing trail organizations through the Vermont Trails & Greenway Council, to advocate for H.147 a bill to establish the Recreational Trails Compensation Study. Why does this matter? Vermont’s outdoor recreation economy generates $2.1B annually, nearly 5% of the state’s GDP, that's 2nd in the nation after Hawaii (Go VT!) KT alone drives $10M in economic impact annually. Therefore, the state must recognize and incentivize these generous private landowners, including the 106 who make KT possible and allow public access to trails.
By Abby Long February 5, 2025
Vous êtes toujours les bienvenus à Kingdom Trails You are always welcome on Kingdom Trails
December 17, 2024
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