2024 is a big year here! Not only is it KT’s 30th Anniversary, but in case you haven’t heard, at around 3:25 pm, April 8th, the moon will pass in front of the sun, bringing our Northeast Kingdom region into complete darkness for almost 3 minutes. We are incredibly fortunate to find ourselves in the solar eclipse’s “path of totality.” This is a once-in-a-lifetime event as Vermont has not experienced this phenomenon since 1932 and won't again until 2106.
Although the KT network is closed at that time of the year while we navigate Vemont’s famous Mud Season, we are opening Bill Magill, a trail on the property that KT owns on Darling Ridge, for people to access on foot for viewing.
To access this property, viewers may park in designated
Wildflower Inn parking areas and
walk on Bill Magill as far out as they would like. Remember that viewing will be best from a south-facing slope. The Wildlflower Inn will also open their property on Heaven’s Bench, accessed from Bill Magill.
We will not require a KT Membership to view the Eclipse on April 8th. However, you are required to sign the KT Waiver if you plan to venture out on Bill Magill and Heaven’s Bench.
It is important to:
Read this article for tips about how to watch the eclipse safely.
For more info on the Eclipse, check out these resources: