Over the past few months, the SE Group project team has been busy engaging with stakeholders and collecting
data. The project team held 10 virtual focus group meetings with local business owners, town
governments, landowners, trail ambassadors, and other key players. These conversations framed the
existing conditions and illuminated many of the opportunities and constraints going forward. The
project team placed trail counters to measure level of use and conducted a rider experience survey. The
rider experience survey asked respondents about crowding, access, and overall experience during the
summer 2020 season and previous years.
Click here
to see the results.
Now, the project team is working on the analysis and solutions. The team is developing a capacity figure
for components of the trail system – trails, parking, lodging, and food and beverage. The team is also
looking at the qualitative capacities of landowners, the environment, and community infrastructure.
Imbalances between the different capacities will be identified and solutions will seek to address
deficiencies and recommend changes in policy and enhancements to system components. Design
alternatives are being developed for several key locations in the trail system such as existing and
potential parking lots, difficult road crossings, and the future welcome center. The project team is
preparing two separate scenarios and these design alternatives for public feedback in late fall. Stay
tuned for more details!